Tools & Resources
Instant access designed to elevate your culinary experience anytime, anywhere

Find our products in your area.
Online Order
The fastest ordering platform for our B2B customers.
Order what you want, when you want with eConnect.

Online Payment System
Payment Account Access
Disclaimer: You will be redirected to an external site contracted by Wismettac Asian Foods, Inc. to process electronic payments.

US Customers
Once redirected, please create a username and password
for your new account.
(This link will take you to external site.)

Canada Customers
For Canadian customers,
please use our Wismettac Canada website Online Payment System.
EXPIRING ACH PORTAL (via E-Bill Express)
The expiring ACH portal service phase out date (12/31/2021). Please start to using the new OPS.
If you would like to continue to use the expiring ACH site and agree to these terms, click Agree.